Corrupt Boot\BCD prevents boot and repair - solution chkdisk then delete 0 size BCD and log
Hi, This may help you if you're is stuck with corrupt BCD and can't boot to windows and repair with Win7 setup disk is not working. Use the Win7 setup disk. Get up to advanced repair options and run command prompt. Run chkdsk /f cd to C:\boot Most likely your BCD and log will be 0 in size now (it would have been unreadable before). attrib -S -H * del *log* dir /a look for any BCD that is 0 in size and delete it. eg... del BCD.backup.0001 You should then be able to complete startup repair. It is beyond my why the disk could not fix this for you without this convolution, but this should get you past the deadlock. Regards, Feizex.
October 18th, 2010 5:39am

I also had tried to do reinstall. This had failed due to Boot corruption. But it had also moved my files and windows settings to C:\Windows.old folder. To restore from this I copied all the files from C:\Windows.old to C:\ I chose to use boot Linux rescue CD and to do the copying. These instructions may help others who are tech savy enough. Instructions: - boot using Linux rescue CD - run wizard to get to GUI - open Gparted and look to see what your windows partition is (mine was /dev/dm-2). Note the first partition is 100MB - that is your Win7 boot partition. Your windows partition is probably the next one. - open command prompt (shell prompt?) - use ntfs-3g to mount your partition to a folder. Eg... - mkdir mount - ntfs-3g /dev/dm-2 mount - cd mount (you should now be in your windows partition - ls -a (you will see Windows.old folder) - unalias cp (this is important - if you don't do this you will have to press y to overwrite every file) - cp -frv Windows.old/* ./ (f for force, r for recurse subdirectories, v for verbose - lists files; for other options - man cp) Note: My copy kept getting stuck on bootstat.dat in C:\windows so I coped that individually then it all worked. - shutdown (use menu), remove CD and boot to windows7 First bootup will probably take a while (loading settings) - detects corrupt recycle bin too. Other than that it seems to have restored me to where I was pre-corruption. Regards, Feizex.
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October 20th, 2010 12:10am

These steps didn't seem to work, and there were no *BCD* files in my C:\boot directory (only memtest.exe and a bunch of language folders: en-us etc). However, after numerous Startup Repair and disk check cycles via boots from the Windows 7 DVD, Windows 7 finally booted (only once!). I am still skeptical that there is something wrong with my hard drive, but Check Disk scans don't seem to fix the problem. I have the latest avast! updates installed. A full avast! scan yielded 5 viruses - all in backup folders (none running/installed programs). A reboot now only gets me a "disk read error". :-( Please help me!
July 6th, 2012 11:34am

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